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Episode 56

How we Maximise the Health of your Teens and Tweens with these 3 Core Steps

group of teens selfieThis episode is all about tweens and teens, but more importantly it’s about growing HEALTHY teens and tweens.

Health to us includes the ability to have resilience within our body, and overcome challenges. We have previously discussed 7 signs your teen may not be thriving so today is about the good news!

The three top ways we help teenagers THRIVE at Advanced Health Chiropractic are

  1. Get to the root cause of what is REALLY holding them back in their health
  2. Scan and understand the nervous system pattern that is holding them here
  3. Adjust them to a specific care plan tailored for change, health resiliency and lasting change

You only need to listen to Episode 54 to know what incredible stories are possible

Be following our Instagram for more of the magic.

Book your teen’s initial appointment with us on 09 818 8015.

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