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What Tomatoes Can Teach Us About Resilience

The sun was out on the weekend, after what has felt like the wettest grayest summer we have ever experienced. And when the sun comes out, we get out, more than ever.

It’s beach, it’s bombs in the pool, and it’s meals outside to absorb the warmth of the sun and charge our human solar batteries.

Katie were discussing her recent cookbook purchase from Ripe Kitchen, a local cafe in nearby Grey Lynn;

For me when Katie gets her hands on another cookbook, especially from Ripe, I begin Salivating like Pavlov’s dog at the thought of fantastic new recipes.

Now Katie already has an amazing repertoire when it comes to creating masterful meals; so I kicked back on the outside sofa looking forward to seeing the photo’s of the meals we are soon to experience. However, instead of diving deep into learning new recipes, Katie began to tell me stories and details on sustainability of our planet through food choices and actions.

  • the environmental impacts of the foods we choose to eat
  • the sustainable ways we should be growing our food.
  • the choices we need to be making

These were the topics in the opening pages of the new Ripe cookbook.

We talked about kalmana gardens around the corner; a community garden that focuses on a sustainable, organic, regenerative local food system that supports community wellbeing.

Then Katie mentioned an article about tomato growers ‘Curious Croppers’ that got my chiropractic attention and the amazing things we can learn from Curious Croppers about our own resilience and adaptability.

You see Curious Croppers tomatoes are absolutely amazing; in a league of their own when it comes to flavor and juiciness. And now I know why!

Anthony and Angela from Curious Croppers create an element of stress to build resilience in the plants. Throughout the season they restrict irrigation and stress the plants, in their words “almost to the point of death”..then ease the restrictions a little. Just like us humans, Anthony and Angela have found that exposing the plants to some distress builds resilience,and the plants become stronger and more resistant to disease and predators.

You know we often consider stress as a bad thing and something to be avoided. However our bodies will only rebuild and regenerate to the level of stress that we are exposed to. It is essential that we continually challenge ourselves.

market photoIt is essential that we provide our brain and nerve systems with experiences and information from which our bodies can get to work and rebuild to the level of these experiences so we can handle them in the future. It’s the only way!.

Our nerve systems continuously perceives, assesses and interprets the environment we are in, our response to it, the impact it is having on us, and it uses this information to set your body up to respond. More importantly, your nerve system uses this information to rebuild your body so that you are better equipped to handle your environment in the future.

To put this simply; Be challenged. Be stressed……… Be resilient.

Now I’m not saying that we should challenge ourselves “almost to the point of death” like Curious Croppers. However, if we spend our lives avoiding stress we limit our opportunities to build resilience and resistance.

Curious Croppers are the best of the best tomatoes in flavor and quality because they provide enough challenge for the tomato plants to respond and adapt; becoming stronger, more resilient plants.

How are you providing yourself with the challenges required to become stronger and more resilient?

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