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Episode 81

Better handling common childhood illnesses – Paediatric Nurse and Chiropractic come together for this one

baby being adjustedWe chat with Darcey today, and let the magic of our worlds collide.

Darcey is a chiro kid through and through – having grown up in a family with a strong appreciation for fostering health and resilience, through all phases of life.

Darcey is now a passionate paediatric nurse and brings her love for wellbeing, with her joy of caring for families all together in a wonderful, yet practical mix.

We discuss:

  •  Views on health
  • Building resiliency in our children’s immune systems
  • Common bugs and viruses including RSV and respiratory infections
  • What to do before it gets to this point
  • What to do when your child is unwell
  • Support for parents

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