The brains, brilliance and science behind your Chiropractic care / Heidi Haavik
All things science with one (if not THE) of the most brilliant chiropractic researchers in the world. We are always very proud to share what the researchers from the New Zealand Centre for Chiropractic Research have been up to, and recently Russell Brand has been interested too!
Heidi has recently been interviewed by Russell himself (a huge chiropractic fan) on her ongoing work and research, so we talk a little bit about what she has been up.
The crux of this episode includes
- why do we feel so much better when we are regularly adjusted
- what changes in the brain when we are subluxated/interference in our nervous system
- the role of the pre-frontal cortex in immune function- the science and brilliance we have coming our way in chiropractic research
Enjoy and don’t forget to share this one with your family and friends – the ripple effects are HUGE
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