
We are star struck to share this one! Katie James is the co-host of Midwives Cauldron podcast as well as host of The Feeding Couch She is a midwife and lactation consultant, highly renowned for her incredible work with women and families around the world. We love Katie because she loves what we love! Working… Continue Reading:

Welcome back! Part 3 of 3 and where we get into the nitty gritty of taking your health to the NEXT level this Winter. The funny thing is, this episode takes our listeners to a place we are all entirely capable of achieving, it is the most natural state. Yet, sadly, it isn’t common. If… Continue Reading:

If you missed the first episode we suggest you back and start there as Sarah introduces the concept of a ‘Health Expression’ which she coined herself. Today, Katie and Sarah unpack the immune system. This topic is broad, and it’s hugely vital to understanding what your body is doing and why it’s doing it. The… Continue Reading:

Sarah Farrant: You Can Stay Healthy This Winter, here’s how Dr Sarah Farrant is the co-founder of Vital Wellbeing, focused on generational health. Sarah is a powerhouse of knowledge, action and a credit to her own philosophies of health – raising healthy vibrant children, and caring for herself and her people in a vitalistic way.… Continue Reading:

Les Mills Otto Prodan: Reaching Human Potential With The Mind And Body Our second Les Mills guest and we are honoured As with Susan Renata on Episode 34, Otto is magic. Not only is he an incredibly talented teacher of movement, he is a powerful and captivating speaker on this Chat today Otto and I… Continue Reading:

Thyroid Series Part 3: Supporting good thyroid function from the inside out Hear the final episode of our 3-part series with Jenny Brooks from the Dr Libby Clinic Supporting good thyroid function from the inside out – an approach Chiropractors know all about! We, like you, are keen to learn from this episode and soak… Continue Reading:

Thyroid Series Part 2: Understanding testing and body signs This one is for our detail and science lovers Jenny breaks down a complex topic into simple pieces. We learn – What to test for when looking to understand the thyroid – Standard testing and misconceptions – Common triggers and causes of thyroid dysfunction – Over… Continue Reading:

Thyroid series: Jenny Brooks from Dr Libby Clinic Jenny joins us from the Dr Libby Clinic – holistically, biochemically and nutritionally trained to get to the root cause of health issues, combining emotional understanding with her discoveries. Katie and Jenny focus on the thyroid today – Function – Pivotal role in overall health and wellbeing… Continue Reading:

Tongue Tie Part 3 of 3 with Dr Sam Haitsma Our final episode of the series and it’s the perfect end. If you are a parent, carer or know someone desperately looking for hope with their babies latch and feeding – then this is where you will find it. We will discuss the link between… Continue Reading:

Signs of Tongue Tie: Part 2 of 3 with Dr Sam Haitsma If you haven’t started with Part 1, make sure you do as this episode is a great build on that Chat Today, Katie and Sam discuss the signs of tongue tie in little ones and the understanding behind what causes them We dive… Continue Reading:

Understanding and Addressing Tongue Tie: Part 1 of 3 with Dr Sam Haitsma As mothers, Katie and Sam both acknowledge we always do our best in the moment with what we have. They both express gratitude for the ‘tools in the toolkit’ so to speak that has helped them to navigate Motherhood – both the… Continue Reading:

The Move Room: Best Movements For Growing Brains We are joined by The Move Room today for a brilliant Chat on all things brain and movement for our little people. As we know in Chiropractic, when our brains are appropriately stimulated and with good clarity in the nervous system – we see sequential movement development… Continue Reading:

Let’s teach our children that their bodies are capable of amazing things Takeaways Teaching children about their body’s innate intelligence and natural healing abilities empowers them to live vibrant lives. Understanding the body’s natural healing processes helps children trust their bodies and make better decisions. Education and a medicalized model can undermine trust in our… Continue Reading:

Are your kids all wonky?! Cerebellum hacks for both kids and adults We are talking all things Cerebellum and it’s influence on – Mood and Emotion – Balance – Posture – Learning – Cognition and Memory We give you the tools, what to look for, and how to amplify your nervous system in support of… Continue Reading:

Breech babies and Chiropractic This episode takes a spin you maybe were not expecting! It’s an empowering and informative episode on all things chiropractic and breech babies. Funny enough chiropractic is not about helping breech babies…. well not in the way you may expect! Here our insights on – why babies may assume the breech… Continue Reading:

Dr Andrea, Period Whisperer: Phases of womanhood Dr. Andrea Huddleston is a chiropractor and she discusses various topics related to women’s health, including menstruation, supporting the menstrual cycle for future pregnancy, challenges with the menstrual cycle, perimenopause, and menopause. She emphasizes the importance of stress reduction, nutrition, and chiropractic care in supporting hormonal health. Dr.… Continue Reading:

Olivia Murrell: How to make your NY resolutions stick… with momentum! Our guest today is Olivia Murrell – naturopath and chiro commando! We are discussing the power of momentum – How to build it – How to measure it – What to do when it is waning – Ways to amplify it so that goal… Continue Reading:

Unpacking Childhood: Your Instagram questions on child development and raising healthy families naturally Welcome back to 2024! Your Instagram questions for this episode were… – Does chiropractic help with pencil grip and handwriting – What if your baby skips crawling, or wants to walk before they can crawl – Can adjustments ease sleep regressions, if… Continue Reading:

Drs Hayley and Breezy Maginness: What’s happening in your child’s developing brain and maximising the health of families In this conversation, Dr. Breezy and Hayley Maginness discuss the importance of chiropractic care for children and families. They highlight the common reasons families seek chiropractic care, such as colic, ear infections, and sleeping issues, and emphasize… Continue Reading:

Childhood asthma: Dina Ceniza, The Breathe Clinic Continue Reading:
Part 2 of the 2-part series with Dina Ceniza from The Breathe Clinic Today we are talking about childhood asthma. Many children start at our practice due to their asthma difficulties and struggles. We know there is a strong neurological link to our breath, and…
Part 1 of our 2-part series with Deniza Ceniza Stay tuned for next week’s Chat on childhood asthma, and how Dina’s methods have helped countless children regain their health Continue Reading:
Here’s a little insight into Dina Dina Ceniza has achieved a Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science), a Master of Arts (Special Needs Education)…
The miracle of birth: Let your nervous system lead the way This podcast is all-encompassing and the ONE resource that has all of the magic in the same place. Katie will talk through conception and pregnancy guiding for an optimal experience how the nervous system drives pregnancy, birth and postpartum essential tips and practices to… Continue Reading:

Colic… My baby won’t stop crying! We have our beautiful and VERY experienced Katie Pritchard taking the podcast this week, and it happens to be one of her favourite topics. Colic in babies is extremely distressing for the baby, parents and other family members. We are wired to be on high alert when listening to… Continue Reading:

A lifestyle of purpose, structure and success with Malcolm Rudd As one of our own close friends, colleague and mentor – we are delighted to share Malcolm Rudd’s brilliance with our listeners. Malcolm is a chiropractor and chiropractic coach with the Remarkable Practice. He introduces himself brilliantly and his role within that organisation, which cannot… Continue Reading:

Want to make your brain work faster? Here’s how you can As mentioned in the beginning of this show, Helen Bartrom from Positive Births NZ has offered our listeners a 10% discount off her online or in-person hypnobirthing courses booked before November 30th.
Mention Chat on This to receive your discount
Other episodes mentioned in… Continue Reading: 
Wiring Brains for Learning and Success Today’s Chat is a re-release of one of our most popular Brain and Learning series. We discuss what causes a busy brain and why, why this makes learning harder, what it looks like in the classroom, how to measure and how to help Today’s chat accompanies our blog here… Continue Reading:

Positive Births NZ with Helen Bartrom: Guided By The Nervous System Having heard many chiropractors, and chiropractic seekers, birth stories on Helen’s own podcast – we are delighted to have her along for a Chat. Helen has an incredible and a profound appreciation for the innate wisdom of the body across all aspects – and… Continue Reading:

Understanding your child’s Vagus nerve with Mo Andrews Our 100th episode!! And no better guest than having Dr Mo Andrews join us for a return this week. She dives into the brilliance of your child’s vagus nerve, understanding and supporting growth alongside the whole nervous system This episode is informative for parents, caregivers, educators and… Continue Reading:

Get your Vagus nerve FIRING with Mo Andrews We have 2 episodes for you – tailored towards adults and children. Today kicks us off with the brilliant Dr Monique Andrews, chiropractor and passionate expert in the vagus nerve particularly. Today she takes us through an adult lens, next week we dive into the kids component.… Continue Reading:

The Most Exciting Brain Research / Part 2, Heidi Haavik Part 2 from the fabulous Dr Heidi Haavik – her research into the brain, and the HUGE impacts of chiropractic care on this.
We look at frequency, why the brain changes and what is happening the more adjustments you experience
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