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Family Chiropractic Care with Advanced Health Chiropractic

older male patient smiling
As you will know from the playground in the middle of our practice, Advanced Health Chiropractic has been curated entirely around the needs of families.

From first-time parents and pregnancy care to 4th generations with us – we are here to provide tailored and specific care to each family member.

Although many people join our practice for general wellbeing, there are some common trends that tend to bring people through our doors.

These include

  • Immune challenges and unrelenting illness
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Movement or recovery difficulties
  • Performance and sporting agility
  • Mental health
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Gut health and digestion
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Productivity and focus
  • Learning and development

The key to helping you is being able to measure and understand the state of your nervous system and overall function. When working optimally, the nervous system should be able to regulate and co-ordinate the body in a way that promotes health, healing, and good function.

Any discrepancies here can often be attributed to a simple lack of ability to adapt to what life demands of you – meaning your body’s function takes a hit; leaving you stuck, on the back foot, and often exhausted.

By measuring the function of your nervous system right now, we can best understand why your body is responding in the way that it is, and work towards creating momentum for better health and a better life.

This is essential for all ages, making today the best time to start care for your family.

We look forward to meeting you in the practice.

You can book an individual or family initial visit with us here.

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