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Episode 46

Birth Series: Mum knows best – Navigating 2 different birth experiences and learnings for the impending arrival of #3/Niki Jacomb

chat on this podcast logoMum knows best – Niki’s intuition and trust in her body absolutely epitomises what we know here at Advanced Health Chiropractic. Women are powerful, they are resilient, and they are more than able to traverse the requirements of birth in a way that leaves them feeling empowered, supported and utterly capable. We are right here with you every step of the way.

Katie talks about the physiological process of birth and pain perception, she shares snippets of her own experiences surrounding those immense feelings of power and awe as you hold your baby for the first time.

Although each women chooses to birth in a way most suitable to her, or may have that choice affected by varying factors, what is obvious to us is that the support she receives is paramount to the birth experience, and feelings thereafter.

We are honoured to support women throughout their pregnancy journeys, and it delights us to hear stories like Niki’s where she powerfully embraces and embodies all that she is capable of as she so wonderfully guides her baby’s into this world. These entries have been a series of varying experiences as we will hear.

Today’s episode highlights both home and hospital births. Although this episode will be applicable and reassuring to many, our future episodes will also touch on various other factors including fear, unavoidable situations and coping with an experience different to that which you expected.

All mothers are powerful, they are incredible and their bodies wonderfully intelligent.

If you are pregnant and wanting more information on how chiropractic can play a role in supporting your ideal pregnancy and birth outcomes, then join our video series here.

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