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What to focus on right now.

What to focus on right now.



It’s funny isn’t it. These 2020 lock-down experiences and what surprises they can bring about.


I’m sitting in the latest addition to our community area. A couple of sofa’s that we set up initially to amplify the social distancing, and instead, what has resulted in an amplification of community and connection.


Now as I dance back and forth between adjusting rooms, I get to witness communities and families gathering together on the sofa’s before and after their adjustments, watching their kids fly down the slide, coloring in, or simply hanging in the reading area. What I get to see every day in practice is connection.


I don’t think there has ever been a more important time for us to focus on having a connected community; connections with our family, our friends, and neighbors as we come out of a period of time when we have been encouraged or enforced to be disconnected, to stay indoors, to cover up our faces, hide our smiles, to fear our environment, to fear each other….. we have been encouraged to be everything but a connected community.


So I believe it’s time.


It’s spring and it’s the season of connection and growth. Where we start to see fresh buds bloom, where birds migrate and animals awaken, and the planet seems to come to life again as temperatures slowly begin to rise and the days stretch out later into the evening.


I think spring is a perfect time for us to amplify what human beings have always done so well…… and that’s to be a community.


It is a community that will always bring people together. That unites us and makes us feel like we are part of something greater than ourselves.


At a time where separation, segmentation, and polarisation seem to be rampant, take the time to hang out on your own community sofa. The places like our community area that brings people together and amplifies the benefits of a connected community.


At this time of year, maybe we should take on the words of Robin Williams


“Spring is nature’s way of saying, hey! LET’S PARTY!”

˜Robin Williams

Untitled design


So if you are a part of the AHC tribe already, I look forward to hanging with you in our community area or at least say g’day as I bounce between the adjusting rooms. And if you are new to the AHC experience come and check us out, there is no better way to get connected with your health potential and be connected with a community of families that strive for this also.



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